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Women play vital role in the society in making life easy for everyone

Women and Their Role in Developing the Society

The role of women in developing society is multifaceted and significant. They contribute to societal development in various ways, playing pivotal roles in social, economic, cultural, and political spheres. Here are several key aspects:

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Securing Visa in Nigeria

Visa Applications in Nigeria (10 Easy Steps to Securing One)

Securing a visa for international travel from Nigeria involves a series of steps and careful preparation. The specific requirements and procedures can vary depending on the country you plan to visit, so it’s essential to research the specific embassy or consulate’s website of the destination country for detailed information

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Treating acid and fire burns should be done with utmost care to minimize pain, prevent infection, and promote proper healing. Here are traditional ways to treat acid and fire burns. However, it’s important to note that immediate medical attention is crucial in severe burn cases. These remedies can be used for minor burns while waiting…

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Journalists Icons

Journalists in Nigeria And Their  Work (Top 10)

Journalists are professionals who work in the field of journalism, which involves collecting, analyzing, and presenting news and information to the public. They play a crucial role in providing the public with accurate and timely information about current events, issues, and developments. Journalists work in various media outlets, including newspapers, magazines, television, radio, and online…

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Parent feeding a child

Parenting a Toddler: Essentials Insights

Every parent aspires to provide the best for their child. Watching a toddler grow and develop is filled with numerous milestones to cherish and challenges to conquer. From mastering potty training to nurturing language skills, parenting a toddler is a mix of fulfillment and trials. This article delves into the crucial facets of parenting, offering…

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