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Rutherford Scholarship: The Ultimate Guide to Securing Admission.

The Rutherford Scholarship is a prestigious award designed to recognize and reward the academic achievements of Alberta’s high school students. This guide dives deep into the details of the scholarship, providing comprehensive information about its eligibility criteria, application process, award amount, and more.

What is the Rutherford Scholarship?

The Scholarship is named after Alexander Rutherford, who had the distinction of being Alberta’s first Premier and Minister of Education. He was known for his strong support for public education, particularly at the secondary and post-secondary levels.

The scholarship aims to encourage high school students in Alberta to excel in their studies, setting a strong academic foundation for their future pursuits.

The Scholarship Eligibility Criteria

The Rutherford Scholarship has some specific eligibility requirements. The applicants must:

  1. Be a Canadian citizen, Permanent Resident, or Protected Person (visa students are not eligible).
  2. Be an Alberta resident, as defined by Alberta Scholarship Programs.
  3. Have graduated from a high school in Alberta.
  4. Be enrolled in a full-time post-secondary program.

Grade-wise Eligibility

The eligibility for the Rutherford Scholarship is also determined by the academic performance in specific grades:

  • Grade 10: An average of 75.0% to 79.9% in five subjects.
  • Grade 11: An average of 75.0% to 79.9% in five subjects.
  • Grade 12: An average of 75.0% to 79.9% in five subjects.

The subjects considered for the scholarship vary according to the grade level.

Applying for the Rutherford Scholarship

The application for the Rutherford Scholarship is an online process. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to apply:

  1. Step One – Check Eligibility: Before applying, ensure you meet the eligibility criteria to avoid any disappointments.
  2. Step Two – Create an Account: Visit the official website of Alberta Student Aid and create a My Alberta Digital ID (MADI) account. If you already have an account, log in.
  3. Step Three – Fill in the Application: Complete the Rutherford Scholarship application form available online. Ensure all the details are accurate.
  4. Step Four – Submit the Application: After thoroughly reviewing the information, submit the application.

Remember, the application deadline typically falls in May, but it’s best to check the official website for the exact date.

Rutherford Scholarship Award Amount

The Rutherford Scholarship offers different award amounts depending on the applicant’s average grade percentage:

  • Average of 75.0% to 79.9%: $300 per semester to a maximum of $600 per school year.
  • Average of 80.0% or higher: $400 per semester to a maximum of $800 per school year.

After the Application

After you’ve submitted your application, it goes through a review process. If successful, you’ll receive an email notification regarding the award. The scholarship amount is then directly sent to the post-secondary institution you’re attending.

Frequently Asked Questions

This section addresses some commonly asked questions about the Scholarship.

1. Can I apply for the Rutherford Scholarship if I’m attending a university outside Alberta?

Yes, you can apply for the Scholarship if you’re attending an accredited university outside Alberta.

2. How many times can I receive the Rutherford Scholarship?

You can receive the Scholarship for a maximum of eight semesters.

3. Can I apply for the Rutherford Scholarship if I’m a part-time student?

No, only full-time students are eligible for the Scholarship.

4. What happens if my academic performance drops?

If your academic performance drops, it could affect your eligibility for the scholarship in future academic years.


The Rutherford Scholarship is a great opportunity for Alberta students to get recognized for their hard work and dedication towards their education. It not only provides financial support but also motivates students to maintain high academic standards. So, if you’re an Alberta student who’s achieved academic excellence, don’t miss out on this opportunity!

Remember to check the official website of Alberta Student Aid for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Feel free to share this guide with your friends and family who might benefit from it. As Alexander Rutherford once said, “Education brings opportunity, and in turn, hope.” Let’s spread the opportunity and hope far and wide!

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