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Ways to Make Money Online in Nigeria as a Student

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9 8. Develop an App


Today, the internet is available and easy to access, therefore students can mark money online in Nigeria. If you want to earn extra money or you want to learn useful skills, here is waiting for you. Some of the ways with which you can earn a living online while studying in Nigeria are what this article offers.

1.     Freelancing way to mark money online

Students mostly tend to take up freelancing as a way of boosting their monthly earnings online. Freelancing gives one a chance to market skills and services all over the world. As a freelancer, you can offer your services on sites like Upwork, Fiver, and Freelancers whether you are good at writing, doing graphical designs, programming, or managing social media.

first, a person can make a profile containing his skillfulness and former experience. Ensure you provide the best quality product accompanied by an elaborate description of its benefits. As time passes, you will become experienced and get great feedback which will allow you to increase your charges and attract more customers.

2.     Online Tutoring way to mark money online

If you have excellent ability in any topic, chances are that you probably want to become an online tutor. Certain students and parents who desire to do better at school will choose to spend their money on private tutoring lessons. Examples might be giving tutorials on math, English, science, and maybe music.

Sites like and prep classes are available for pairing tutors with students. It will let you make your own profile, determine the fees, and set up tutoring sessions at any time. Moreover, you will be able to teach and communicate with individuals online and earn income.

3.     Blogging way to mark money online

One can also use a blog to share personal information and get online money. Decide on the niche that interests you, and write informative and interesting articles. The monetization of blogs involves other methods such as display advertising, sponsored posts, and affiliate programs.

Becoming successful on a blog requires time and hard work. Publish quality content frequently, spread the word about your blog on social media, and have discussions with your readers. You can invite advertisers and do some passive income if your blog starts to be popular.

4.     Online Surveys

Engage yourself with extra pocket money by just doing a simple online survey at leisure. Many companies, as well as market research firms, already have cash to buy your thoughts. You can complete short online forms for payment from various websites like Opinion Outpost, Toluna, and many others and get money, gift cards, or many other rewards.

Even though they may not bring you enough money, online surveys are quite funny and helpful for pocket money.

5.     E-commerce way to mark money online

These days, e-commerce is gaining more popularity. Open an online store in Shopify or WooCommerce for a product with demand. You can choose either a local source or even dropshipping suppliers that will ship the products to your clients directly.

Use social media, SEO, and ad words to market your store. Begin with a few products, then grow your offerings based on market expansion as your business expands into wider markets.

6. Dropshipping way to mark money online

Is a retail fulfillment method that involves a store not keeping on stock the products that it sells. However, unlike a store where it sells a product to a consumer, a store buys the item from a third party that ships it to the customer directly. With that, the merchant never sees nor touches the merchandise.

Here’s a step-by-step overview of how dropshipping works:

  1. Set Up an Online Store:

i). Identify a profitable market/niche.

ii). Use one of the e-commerce platforms, like Shopify, WooCommerce, etc.

iii). Source Products:

  1. iv) Identify suppliers or wholesalers that also provide dropshipping solutions. They can be the producers, wholesalers, or other retailer.

v). Agree with these suppliers to drop-ship their goods at the customer’s address.

  1. Import Product Listings:

Upload product data like descriptions, pictures, and prices to your website.

  1. Customer Places an Order:

A customer orders from your online store, and pays for the goods.

  1. Order is Forwarded to the Supplier:

i). The product is bought from the supplier at a wholesale cost and you, being the store owner.

  1. ii) The supplier is notified about the order and ships the product to the customer.
    1. Supplier Ships the Product:

The supplier usually ships the packaged product straight to the customer (and may also incorporate, if necessary, the store’s branding).

  1. Store Owner Profits:

The profit margin made by the store owner is the amount the customer pays the store owner minus what the supplier charges.

Key Advantages of Dropshipping:

  1. Low Initial Investment:

Given that you will not incur any substantial costs towards purchasing inventory like it is the case in traditional retail systems.

  1. Reduced Risk:

By selling the products first before buying them, the risk of unsold inventory is eliminated.

Wide Product Range:

However, you’ll not have to bother with physical stock as you can provide numerous products in your online shop.

  1. Flexibility:

This makes it easier to scale up or down without the constraints of running a warehouse.

However, it’s important to note that drop shipping also has its challenges, including:

  1. Lower Profit Margins:

firstly, because you’ll be buying your products at a higher unit cost, your profit margins could be slimmer as compared to traditional retail.

  1. Dependence on Suppliers:

Your business depends on your supplier’s performance and reliability. Therefore, any issues they may be going through are as good as anything happening to you.

  1. Quality Control:

This could lead to a loss of control over the quality of the product and timeliness of delivery, as they both influence the perception of clients.

Dropshipping is successful if one is able to market well, select the right suppliers, serve customers well, and remain updated with industry trends. In the case of drop shipping, you must do your research and planning very well before you venture into the business.

7. E-book Publication

Publish an E-Book – a step-by-step process consisting of elements including writing, formatting, and distribution. Here’s a general guide on how to publish an e-book:

           1). Write Your E-book:
• Develop your content. Revise and proofread your manuscript.
• A professional editor can be hired to ensure quality.

  1. Formatting:

    • You should also prepare your manuscript for e-book formatting. For example, it can be converted into a generic e-book format like EPUB and MOBI.
    • Format is checked for all available devices.

  2. Design a Cover:

    • Please create a catchy, but professional cover sheet. It is also of great importance to win over the masses of readers, which is why it matters a lot.

  1. Choose a Publishing Platform:

    Decide which publishing platform to use for your e-book. Common platforms include:
    a). Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): For Kindle e-books.
    b). Smashwords: Distributes to multiple retailers.
    c). Draft2Digital: Distributes to various platforms.
    d). Apple Books: Publish directly through Apple.

  1. Create an Author Platform:

    Establish an online presence. This may include a website, social profiles, or a newsletter.
    • Connect with your target audience.

  1. Set a Price:

    Determine the pricing strategy for the e-book.

    • Consider utilizing promotional pricing to attract the first readers.

    1. Publish:
      As you upload your e-book, make sure you follow the specified instructions.
      • Add tags such as title, description, keywords, and select categories.
    2. Marketing:
      Create a marketing strategy for your e-book.
      • Via social media, email as well as other channels.
      • Encourage reviews and ratings.
    3. Monitor Sales and Analytics:
      Keep an eye on sales and reader interest.
      • Analyze the needs of your customers and align your marketing strategy to meet them.
    4. Consider Other Formats:

Consider other options like audiobooks and print on demand depending on the demand.

  1. Protect Your Work:

  • Think about copyright protection for your e-book.
  • If you want, install DRM.
  1. Engage with Readers:

  • Reply back to the reviews and engage in conversation with the reader.
  • Give feedback for future improvement.
  1. Update and Promote:

  • Ensure that your e-book is relevant by making periodic updates or running promotional campaigns.
  • Include you in book promotions and discounts.

These are other ways in which one can make money while in school.

  1. Explore Additional Distribution Channels:

Explore other channels or collaborations for wider spread.

  1. Build on Your Success:

On the other hand, if your first e-book is successful, you may also wish to proceed and write more books or expand your offerings.

Just keep in mind that the performance of your e-book will typically be contingent upon the quality of the content as well as the intensity of your promotion campaign. The building of an audience and keeping it engaged is an ongoing process.

8. Develop an App

Creating an application for mobile devices comprises different stages, which depend on which app you would like to develop. Here is a general guide to help you understand the key steps involved in app development:

Define Your App Idea:
• Ensure you clearly and effectively define the functionality of your app as well as its purpose.
• Discuss your market, customers, and consumers.

Market Research:
• Scout around for existing apps operating in your space.
• Identify competitors’ profiles and consumer expectations.

Sketch Your Ideas:
• Draw rough sketches or wireframes to show the layout and features of your app.
• Create UI and UX design specifications.

Design the User Interface:
• Go ahead and design each screen of your app with a lot of details.
• Design an interface that is user-friendly and visually interesting.

Choose a Platform:
• Consider whether you’ll build an app for iPhone, Android, and so on.
• It would be advisable for you to choose cross-platform development tools if you are interested in targeting multiple platforms.

Select a Development Approach:
• Native: Develop separate apps for each platform using languages such as Swift (iOS) or Kotlin/Java.

Cross-Platform: Instead of having separate development of mobile applications for different operating systems, use frameworks such as React Native, Flutter, or Xamarin.

Backend Development:
• Build the server side for your app.
• Build databases, user authentication, and data storage.

Frontend Development:
• Begin developing your app’s front end based on the design.
• Implement features and functionalities.

Integrate APIs:
• Include any third-party APIs or services that your app might require (e.g. payment gateways, social media integration).

• Conduct thorough testing to identify and fix bugs.
• Test on different devices and screen sizes.

Optimize for Performance:
• Optimize your app’s performance for speed and responsiveness.
• Consider factors like load times and smooth navigation.

Security Measures:
• Implement security measures to protect user data.
• Use encryption for sensitive information.

App Deployment:
• Create developer accounts on app stores (Apple App Store, Google Play).
• Submit your app for review and approval.

Marketing and Promotion:
• Develop a marketing strategy to promote your app.
• Utilize social media, influencer marketing, and other channels.

Gather User Feedback:
• Release your app to a limited audience for feedback.
• Use feedback to make improvements before a wider release.

• Launch your app on the chosen app stores.
• Monitor its performance and user feedback.

Post-Launch Support and Updates:
• Provide ongoing support for bug fixes and user queries.
• Release periodic updates to add new features or improve existing ones.

Remember, app development is an iterative process, and continuous improvement based on user feedback is essential for long-term success. Consider working with a professional development team or hiring freelancers if you’re not familiar with coding or app development processes.


Online earning becomes convenient for the Nigerian student and also enables him/her to acquire crucial skills. Whether it’s freelancing, online tutoring, blogging, online surveys, e-commerce, dropshipping, app development, or cryptocurrency, as long as it’s a commitment. Look into these possibilities, and start earning money online today.

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